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Happy New Year 2021 From Our Family To Yours!

A note from KP founders...


Happy New Year 2021

Hello Kailee P. Family,

Wow! 2020 was an unexpected crazy ride and we are so glad it is finally over. We welcome a new year with joy, sparkles and glam! But first, please allow us to thank you, our customers, for all your support and for letting us be a part of your special events. Grateful for our community, collaboration, and we appreciate you sharing moments wearing our sparkles.

Furthermore, we want to take the time and appreciate our amazing team. Kailee P. has been able to grow despite the challenges of the pandemic because of their hard work and dedication. We and our team are looking forward to serving you better and create a dazzling 2021.

Without a doubt, this new year will be a year of GROWTH for us! We have taken one big step and can’t wait to share with you when it is all finalized. Cheers to a new beginning and opportunities in the new year!



Airin & Tammy

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