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Spring/Summer 2022 SHOEspiration

Spring and summer is all about big, colorful, and fresh colors with a mixture of natural tones inspired by the outdoors.  We've listed 5 current color trends with styling suggestions for your upcoming nuptials.


Neutral Colors

You can never go wrong with earth tones and neutral palettes.  Colors such as  ivory, champagne, beige, taupe and greenery are considered classics for any season.

Style shown: Bella in Champagne with Pearl Ankle Tie


Blush Pink and Sage

We say, you can never go wrong with pink, especially blush pink.  It's feminine and playful at the same time. With spring and summer in the air, be inspired by all of the beautiful blossoms that nature has to offer.

Style shown: Twila in Dusty Pink Crochet Lace


Light Blue and Green

You've heard it several times, "Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue."  Light blue pairs beautifully with green and just screams spring and summer.

Style shown: Abby in Light Blue Crochet with Flower Applique


Lavender and Grey

Sure, Very Peri may be the 2022 color of the year, but lavender is here to stay. Picture the soft and deep colors of a lavender field accented with grey creating an aesthetic earthy feel.

Style shown: Naomi in Ivory Satin with Oversized Tulle Bow


Green and Yellow

Have a little fun and pop with yellow accents to your greenery backdrop.  Perfect for any outdoor wedding.

Style shown: Cassie in Hunter Green with Pearl Ankle Strap


Did we miss your color theme?  Let us know in the comments below.


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